It's Finally Summer

It is finally summer, and it is hot!

We don't get to play outside too much these days unless it's 8:00 at night, or we're around some form of water.

Grace was missing her Noah and Easton, so we headed to the splash pad and let the kiddos have some fun.

As soon as Grace saw Noah, she grabbed his hand and they were off:

We got there around 10, and believe it or not, it was a little too cold to play in the water. The kids decided to head over to the park to play for a bit until the sun warmed up:

Kasie came too, and had just as much fun as the kids:

Little Eastie was all about the swings:

Kelli and Eddie even brought Tenley out to play:

The kids loved the bouncy seats:

Easton kept an eye on everyone through the binoculars:

Cutest brothers ever:

Charley slept the whole time (are you surprised?):

Finally, it was warm enough for the splash pad:

Tenley wanted to play in the water so bad. She tried crawling to it:

Then the ice cream man came by, so Nick got the big kids some popsicles (or 'pockables' as Grace would say):

What a fun day with some awesome people!!

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