Last Week...

...Gracie got a package from her Great Grandma Sally and Great Great Grandma Jennie for her birthday. She loved opening up her lip gloss and jewelry:

Thanks, Grandmas!!

...Charley also got a package. Hers was an adorable little outfit I ordered for her newborn photo shoot. We tried it on to make sure it fit. Isn't she the cutest little bunny ever:

...Tuesday was election day for the primaries, so we took the girls with us and voted:

...Charley and Gracie took their first bath together. Grace loved helping Daddy wash Charley. She's such a sweet big sister:

...we had family date night at Viva Michoacan:

Kasie and Jeremy gave us a gift certificate, so we decided to go use it. Isaac said he knew of the place, so he drove. After we enjoyed a delicious dinner, we figured out that our gift certificate was for Lindo Michoacan (apparently they aren't related). Looks like another family date night is in store for us soon!

...when we got home, we played outside with our best neighbor friends and enjoyed some popsicles:

...Charley started going to my mom's house a few mornings during the week, but she still got to come see Mommy at work in the afternoons:

...Gracie went to school on her birthday:

She took cupcakes and bubbles to share with her friends. After school, we met up with Grandma Lisa at King Putts to celebrate.

...Charley watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while the rest of us got ready for the day:

...we celebrated Grace's Second Birthday with an Elmo pool party at Grammy's and Papa Rick's house.

...Grace woke up Sunday morning and had lots of fun playing with her new toys (especially the Minnie Mouse stuff from the Sebastians - thanks guys!):

It was Father's Day, and Isaac wanted to just stay home and relax all day. If you know us, you know that we are rarely ever home relaxing. We are probably one of the busiest families ever and are constantly on the go. It was nice to just spend time together doing absolutely nothing.

Isaac always wanted a little boy, but it's so obvious that he was meant to have these two little girls. He is such a great Daddy to them. One of Grace's favorite things to do is lay on the floor playing with him. She just lights up when he gets home and loves to climb all over him. He works so hard to make sure all three of us have everything we want. I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father. Watching him with the babies makes me love him even more. I'm so proud of the man he has become and so grateful that he belongs to us! Happy Father's Day, Isaac :)

Charley's gift to Daddy was this big smile:

See you next week! :)

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