Last Week...

...Gracie enjoyed a popsicle for dessert in the back yard. Now that summer is here, we'll be having a lot more nights like these:

...Charley snuggled in a Sunstate jacket at work:

...she also enjoyed looking out into our back yard while hanging out in her bouncer:

...Grace helped bounce her, and then went in for a kiss:

...Mommy stopped at Starbucks, so Gracie got her first cake pop:

...Charley got her first big sister-inflicted wound. Grace caught the top of her head with her toe nail while trying to kiss her. Of course I freaked out when I saw her bleeding from her head. It was just a little scratch that went away quickly, but it's always scary when something happens to your baby. I'm sure it won't be the last time.

Here's a shot of the wound as Charley gazes out my office window:

...we snuggled at work some more:

...Grace got a package in the mail from Craig's parents. She was so excited when she discovered that it was a brand new puppy to add to her collection:

(Thanks Dave and Pat!!)

...Charley slept the day away:

...we had to put the girls' car seats in Isaac's car for the week while Grandma & Grandpa Espejo were in town, so Grace and Charley got to sit right next to each other. Every time we'd get in the car, Grace would say, "Iyna holda hand". She loved being able to hold Charley's hand everywhere we went. It was precious:

She even helped hold Charley's binky in. Charley isn't a huge fan of the binky and doesn't really like it. I wouldn't give it to her, except that it does help when she's hungry, and I can't feed her right that instant. She spits it out every chance she gets:

Here she is trying to hide it from me:

...Charley copied Daddy's face and thought she was so funny:

...we put on Good Eats (Grace's favorite show when she was a teeny baby) and Charley loved it:

...I tried getting Grace to wear her cowgirl hat from last year's Nashville trip, and she wouldn't have it. Once I left the room, she decided to put it on herself (everything has to be her decision nowadays):

...Grace and Charley snuggled in bed while watching movies together:

...Grace watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in Charley's her Minnie towel:

...we celebrated Elisha's graduation (congrats again, Elish!).

We had such a busy, fun, fantastic few days!

See you next week :)

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