Such a Lucky Girl

Since Grace Face turned two this week, we decided to celebrate with our family, friends, the pool, and Elmo:

(Side Note: How great is it that Grace's birthday falls in June? One of our favorite things to do is hang out by the pool, and she'll be able to have pool parties every year!)

Gracie loves her some Elmo, so I searched all over the Internet for some awesome Elmo ideas. As it turns out, Party City had the cutest Elmo stuff, so I stopped in on my way home from work one day and grabbed all the best stuff for the party.

Besides the normal plates, napkins, cups, and balloons, Grace got a giant Elmo balloon and even an Elmo pinata (these were insisted upon by Daddy).

A few days before the party, we headed over to Aunt Geni's to decide what we wanted to do for the birthday cake. I drew up a little design:

Meanwhile, Grace played with Roxy:

Yup...Grace was here:

Once she saw Mommy coloring, she naturally wanted to color too:

Then, Geni got out the fondant and started in on the cake. Gracie even got to help:

(She looks so grown up here...wahhh!)

Guess what Charley was doing:

Once the fondant was ready, we left Geni to finish up the rest of the cake:

On party day, we grabbed some sandwiches from Jimmy Johns and met up with everyone at my mom's pool.

We spent the first hour making sure Elmo was everywhere:

Grace's cake turned out pretty good, and Geni even made some sweet Cookie Monster cupcakes for us all to devour:

Once Grace's guests started arriving, we hung out in the back yard so the kiddos could swim:

After a while, Grace and Noah went inside for sandwiches:

They're such good buddies!

Next, it was time to open presents:

Grace was having so much fun with Noah and Easton, that she made me open them all. A few of them did get her attention, though:

After presents, it was time to sing to the Birthday Girl:

Finally, we were able to spend the rest of the day relaxing pool-side:

(This is basically our wedding glad that we are still so close to all of them!)

Thank all of you so much for making Grace's second birthday so memorable. She had such a wonderful time, and it wouldn't have been the same without all of our great friends and families to celebrate with.

Such a lucky girl!!

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