Last Week...
...Grace was playing with her baby and decided she was hungry. The little mommy was even smart enough to burp her:
...Charley discovered the stars hanging above her swing and was pretty intrigued:
...we decided to make a doll bed for Charley's newborn photo shoot. Plus, the girls will be able to play with it forever. On Tuesday, we headed to Lowe's to get the wood:
Grace ate a whole bag of Cheetos while we were waiting for them to cut the wood and ended up with an orange face:
...Charley's face really started to fill out:
...she had a bit of a tummy ache at work, so I let her lay across my legs and she passed out:
...Grace hung out at Grammy's on Wednesday:
...Charley played in her Bumbo for the first time:
Grace wanted me to take pictures of her, too:
(such a cheeseball)
...I made some chocolate covered strawberries for our Friday night dinner. I got an idea from Pinterest to core them with a large straw so you can eat the whole thing:
...Isaac finally got started on Charley's bed. We stayed up realllly late working on it:
...the girls woke up in great moods and played so adorably cute together:
Doesn't Charley look so excited for Grace to be holding her?!
After breakfast, we all snuggled in bed and watched cartoons together:
...Isaac and I finished Charley's bed, and she tested it out:
...we met our awesome photographer/friend, Chelsea, out at Calico Basin (where our maternity session was shot) for Charley's Newborn Session/Grace's Two Year Pictures/Family Photos. Pictures coming soon!
...Isaac was taking more pictures of Charley's bed and Grace asked him to take a picture of her, too. This girl loves the camera (and it loves her, too!):
...we spent Sunday at the splash pad with our friends.
...the splash pad really wore us out, and Daddy snapped a picture of Grace and I sleeping after we went to bed super early that night:
See you next week!!