Kind of Ridiculous

For Grace's birthday, Grammy and Papa Rick got her a new playhouse:

Kind of ridiculous for a two year old? Ok, maybe.

It's totally awesome though!

Pardee Homes has subcontractors donate material and build these sweet houses each summer. They display them at Town Square for a few weeks. Then they either have a raffle or (like this year) an auction to sell them. The money goes to the 'Homeaid Southern Nevada' charity.

Papa Rick has had his eye on one of these for the past two years.

He finally won it this year.

Last week, it was delivered to their house:

(Notice the trees on the right that were special ordered for this spoiled kid!)

They have big plans for this place: garden walls, swing sets, landscaping, paver pathways - it's clear they love their little Gracie.

Here's Grammy and Grace getting ready to go check it out for the first time:

Papa Rick showing Gracie her surprise:

She was sooo excited:

Check out the inside! This thing has a flat screen for all of Gracie's movies, air conditioning, and the cutest little window seat. She calls the white fluffy pillow the baa pillow (like a sheep):

Needless to say, she loves it!!

I can't wait to see the whole little area all fixed up.

I'll post more pictures when it's complete :)

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