Last Week...

...Charley and Mommy played while Grace napped: ...Grace saw Mommy pumping and decided that she needed to pump, too. She now does this every afternoon when I get home from work: ...Grace got a ride on Daddy's shoulders, and Charley loved watching them play: ...Grace taught sister all about shoes: ...she brushed her hair and took pictures of her: ...angel baby slept so sweetly: ...we took Gracie out to dinner because she got bumped up TWO classes at swim school. She did so good one day, that they let her skip a class, and now Mommy doesn't have to swim in the pool with her: ...Grace had her first lesson in the big girl swim class. She goes in all by herself with the teacher. She cried for the first twenty minutes but still did all of the lessons. The instructors said this will usually happen the first four to five classes because kids are afraid of being in the water without their mom or dad. Hopefully she gets used...