Last Week...

...the Unertls came over to celebrate an early Christmas with us, and the girls had so much fun with Jakson. Char watched Paw Patrol with him, and they all had a light saber war with Jeremy. ...Char made sure to give him kisses good-bye. I can't believe next time we see them, Jakson will be a big brother! ...we hit the half way point of this pregnancy and officially decided on baby Perry Louise's name. Can you believe she'll be here in just nineteen weeks?! ...Grace slept on the top bunk by herself all week. It was a struggle at first, but each night gets easier and easier. One night, I heard her mumbling to herself something like, "blah blah blah my family, blah blah blah all my grandpa and grandmas, blah blah blah thank you and I love you. In Jesus name, Amen." It may be the pregnancy hormones, but I almost burst into tears. Listening to her beautiful little soul say her prayers all by herself was the sweetest thing I've ever hear...