Last Week...

...Monday, Grace's Kindergarten teacher sent home the cutest shirts for the girls. She asked Charley if she was excited to be a big sister, and Grace said, "no, I'm the big sister. Char is going to be a medium sister", so she made us these shirts that are just perfect. (Thank you, Mrs. Grant! You're the sweetest!!) ...we hung out on the couch after work where I snuggled with Charley. ...the Unertls came over for dinner, and Charley had to hold baby Jase. He wanted mama, though, so the girls didn't hold him for very long. I got a few minutes of snuggling in where he slept, but he woke up shortly wanting Kasie again. She is definitely his most favorite person. I can't get over how different he looks from Jakson. His little face is so sweet. ...the girls had so much fun playing with Jakson, and we're always sad when it's time for them to leave. ...Tuesday was gymnastics. I took this first picture of Char, and sh...