Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Go, Knights, Go!! We celebrated Christmas on Monday with lots of family time and fun traditions. The rest of the week was filled with early bedtimes after such a busy previous week. We took Thursday and Friday off of work and headed up to the cabin for a much needed long, relaxing weekend. There wasn't a ton of snow, but there was enough to get the kids excited, and the whole weekend was in the mid-fifties and gorgeous! Grammy made homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner, and Perry could not wait to eat it. She loved the sound it made when she slurped it off her spoon. After dinner, Charley grabbed my camera and took lots of silly pictures. It was finally time for the Knights game to start, so we all got our shirts on and pulled out a win thanks to our "good luck puck" that we remembered to bring with us. We always win when this thing is out at game time, so it's become a thing for us to...