Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Grace's Birthday Sleepover Perry went to school on Monday since she was feeling much better. I got a call a few hours later that she had some sores on her hands, so I needed to pick her up. She was in a great mood, had no fever, and I couldn't see any sores at all. I think they were just taking extra precautions since it was going around the class so quickly. We spent the afternoon at home playing together, which I'll take any day of the week. Grace drew a picture of herself playing soccer and wrote that she really really really loves it "espeshlee win I win". My mom picked Grace and Char up from school and took them shopping for Grace's birthday gift. They shopped until they dropped. Literally. Tuesday, I brought Perry to work with me until my mom picked her up around lunch time. She spent the afternoon watching Coco and playing with Grammy. Gracie and Charley had a sleepover with Peyton and swa...