Charley Anne

Charley Anne Espejo Born at 8:02 am on April 30, 2012 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 20.5 inches long This is her birth story... Since I had a cesarean with my first daughter (and it went pretty well), my husband and I decided on a repeat cesarean the second time around. The night before baby Charley was scheduled to enter our world, we took Grace over to my mom's house so she could have a sleep over with her Grammy. We had to be at the hospital at 5:30 the following morning to prep for surgery, and this was the best way to keep Grace on a "normal" schedule. After we dropped her off, we headed home to make sure we were all packed and ready for the hospital. Unfortunately, my plan of getting a good night's sleep didn't go so well. I had to wake up at four o'clock to shower and get ready to go and didn't get to sleep until well after eleven. For some reason, I was so much more nervous this time than I was for Grace's delivery. I knew what to ...