
It's that time again... Charley is hitting milestones and the Runnin' Rebs season is in full swing. I really love my Rebs, but they've really been freaking me out lately. I went into this season with high expectations, yet they continue to lose on the road. C'mon guys...I'm really going to need you to run the table for the rest of the season in hopes of a decent seed in the tourney. Puh-lease! Also, it's late at night, and I'm super tired. So sorry if this post goes off on more than one tangent. Back to the baby's nine month milestone post: Charley has officially been living outside of my belly for as long as she was baking on the inside. We're talking nine whole months ! She is still 18.5 pounds. Actually, she's eighteen pounds and ten ounces. She gained two whole ounces this month! So, she's still four pounds lighter than Gracie was at nine months. Crazy stuff. She's also about twenty-seven and a half inches tal...