Last Week...

...Grace danced and sang on the ottoman. She has started singing at all times lately. She just makes up words and sings to herself (most of the time she dances along, but she'll also sing while coloring, in the bath, and doing her hair) : ...Charley ate popsicles almost every day while watching Princess Sofia after school: sister, Geni, finally had her baby boy on Tuesday. We went straight to the hospital after work to meet the cute little guy: He ended up weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces (almost the same as Charley) and was close to nineteen inches long. Congrats Geni and Chad!! We are so excited to finally have a little boy in the family. We're going to have to work hard to make him tough, because he's surrounded by girls. I can't stop staring at him and how tiny he is. I do not remember my girls ever being so small. It's amazing how fast they grow and change and crazy that you forget so quickly. ...