Last Week...

...Elsa, I mean Gracie, and Noah played with Rapunzel Play-Doh. ...we made the most delicious chicken fajitas for dinner. Shocking, I know. It was probably the first time we cooked dinner at home in what feels like months. ...after dinner, we took a walk around the neighborhood. The girls took turns riding their Minnie scooter and chasing Daddy. It was such a beautiful evening. ...after our walk, some of the neighbor kids raced down the street over and over. Every time they made it back, Char would yell, "again! again!". ...Grace found my wig from Halloween and refused to let me take a picture of her wearing it, while Charley downed some yogurt. ...the girls made a "fort" in Grace's bed. Doesn't really look like a fort to me, but hey, who am I to judge? ...Grace snuggled up to her Daddy while he slept, and then snuggled with Mommy, too. ...she made me an awesome (drunk?) clown at scho...