Last Week...

...Monday, Perry played inside the ottoman and worked on pulling herself up to stand. She was clearly more interested in chewing on the sides. This is probably my favorite piece of furniture we own. We've had it since before Grace was born, and it has held all of her things in every stage from baby toys and blankets, to big kid microphones and puzzles, to her current homework supplies. All three of my girls learned to pull themselves up on it and have learned to walk around it's rounded, leather edges. I never had to worry about them hurting themselves if they fell, and they love to stand on the top when the lids are in place, while they sing and dance to their favorite songs. It's made us a lot of memories, that's for sure. ...she snuggled with her blanky at the office. ...she decided to learn how to crawl, too, which seemed crazy to me until I watched a video of Charley at this same age doing the exact same thing. She'll go from sitting u...