Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Christmas Jammies The girls woke up Monday and couldn't believe that Clarabelle had toilet papered our Christmas tree. We all got ready and headed over to Grammy's for our annual Christmas Eve celebration. We helped Grammy cook dinner, and Perry couldn't get enough. She was eating raw green beans and slivered almonds by the handful. She was also excited about the mashed potatoes, and licked the spoon clean. When we were done cooking, everyone was ready to eat. The girls toasted with their fancy Coke bottles before digging in. Mom brought out the first gifts for all of the guys - ball wash. Their slogan is to "keep the funk off your junk". I thought it was extra funny, because I got Isaac the same thing for his stocking. Perry helped Papa do the dishes, so we could unwrap presents. The girls were so excited about every gift. Charley got this huge LOL doll house. She loves her LOL d...