Last Week...

...Gracie had her final dance rehearsal. They didn't want parents there, so they could really run through the whole thing. After we dropped her off, Char and I spent the next hour wandering around Target. ...we followed up our shopping spree with waiting for Grace Face in the car, where Char pretended to drive a race car on my lap. ...the girls baked Play-Doh cakes with Daddy after school. ...Char was the cutest three-year-old around before school. This shirt describes her perfectly: Happy, Free, Wild, and Three! ...we moved into our new office at work (which is amazing and beautiful and makes me love my job even more) and adopted a new pet birdie. There is a gap in our window, so we feed him pieces of donuts and muffins every morning. He sits there all day long chirping away. ...Grace, the princess of pineapples, wore her favorite outfit to school on Friday. ...the girls watched the big girl dancers rehearse for...