Day Eighteen - What's in My Make-Up Bag

I've always been a girl that loves make-up.

I don't wear a lot, but I love shimmer and anything glittery.

My favorite mascara, Cover Girl's Last Blash Fusion, is the staple to my routine:

I also wear Cover Girl eyeliner because it's so easy to apply and doesn't melt and smear in the summer heat:

I use two different color eye shadows, Cover Girl's "pink chiffon" for the lid and brow line, and Mac's "subtle" for the crease:

Cover Girl's True Blend foundation is the most natural looking:

And Physician's Formula's blush is awesome because it blends well as your skin transitions from winter to summer months:

I always keep tweezers, lip gloss, and strawberry flavored Chapstick in my make-up bag as well as Mac brushes which blend the make-up the best:

Those are the items I use on a regular basis.

I'll leave you with this video, because it's one of my favs:

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