This Week...

...Grace played in her new ride:

...she had a pretty bad cold for a few days and slept A LOT:

...she rode around the house on her new motorcycle:

...Daddy and Grace played with her new toys:

...we cuddled while watching cartoons on Saturday morning:

...Frannie pushed Grace around the pool in her princess floaty. Grace LOVES this thing:

...Daddy and Grace shared some pizza:

...we went to Easton's first birthday party! Grace played with him and Noah and had SOOO much fun:

Noah even took Grace for a ride on Easton's new scooter:

Easton was especially nice and let Grace take home a balloon:

We had a lot of fun hanging out with the Sebastians and their family. They are all such fun, awesome people. It's nice that Grace has some friends her age to play with that live just across the street. We can't wait to hang out with them again.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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