The Most Amazing Thing

This past weekend, we spent a lot of time with our friends.

Friday night, we had our weekly dinner with Kasie and Isaac's sister Elisha joined us, too.

We made Fettuccine Carbonara (yes, I'll finally put the recipe up for you THIS WEEK).

The next day, Isaac and I worked for a few hours while Isaac's family hung out with Grace.

We needed to get caught up before our big trip.

After work, Matt and Frannie invited us to come hang out by the pool with them.

It was nice and hot outside, so of course we couldn't resist.

Us girls hung out in the water:

While the boys grilled up some chicken:

Kasie and Grace got all caught up on their gossip:

After dinner, we all went home to shower and met back up at our place for a game night.

We started out with Pictionary (which the girls won).

See if you can guess what are drawings were:

Did you guess a sun spot, a scarf, a rag, and Bill Gates?

If so, you can be on our team!

If not, you're stuck with the guys.

We didn't take any pictures of the their drawings, because we couldn't really tell what they were.

After Pictionary, we made some brownie/cookie bars and ate them warm with ice cream on top.

They were pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever had.

Next up was Taboo.

We split the partners up into groups of two, and to be fair, the teams were Matt and Chris, Isaac and Kasie, and Frannie and Me.

We played until the first group got to twenty-one.

We all went back and forth quite a bit, but Frannie and I came out on top.

Nights like these are what life is all about!!

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