A Free Shot of Jack on the Rocks

While in Nashville, we decided to take a tour of the Jack Daniels distillery.

It is in Lynchburg, Tennessee and is the oldest registered distillery in the U.S.

This was probably the most beautiful place I've ever been.

Walking up to the entrance, you see green all around.

There were also some cool, old rockers on the front porch:

On the tour, we got to walk through the entire whiskey making process.

It was actually pretty interesting and our guide had some great stories.

We got to see where the "ricks" of wood sit to age in the fresh Tennessee air:

And the warehouse on top of the hill where the barrels of whiskey get to sit for years to get their flavor from the wood:

My favorite part was this cave spring:

It has been running non-stop for hundreds of years. They have hiked back into the spring one mile, but couldn't get any further because the path became too narrow. Nobody knows where the source of this water is, but it's the reason the distillery was placed here. The limestone takes all of the iron out of the water, and iron-free water makes for great whiskey.

Outside of the spring is the life-size 5'2" statue of Jack Daniels.

Our guide encouraged us to take a picture with it because "it's the only place you can get a free shot of Jack on the rocks":

All around the property, we saw more beautiful greenery:

There was a momma duck protecting her little ducklings:

Grace even had a great time walking around and checking things out:

Her favorite part was the ice cold, fresh, homemade lemonade that they gave us at the end of the tour. We filled up her sippy cup so she could enjoy it on the ride back to the hotel, too!

We weren't able to sample any whiskey because the distillery is actually located in a dry county. It's been that way since the prohibition, and you need about 1,200 votes from people living in the county to overturn the law. This will probably never happen due to the fact that only about 600 people live there.

Lynchburg was a tiny little town about an hour from Nashville.

Recently they passed a new law that allows the distillery to sell the whiskey, but you have to take it back where you came from to drink it.

I loved driving through the country to get there and walking all over the property to see how Jack Daniels is actually made.

This was one of my favorite things we did during our trip.

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