...Char was sleeping so peacefully Monday morning that I didn't want to wake her up. ...she made me a pretty picture at school with chalk. ...she continued her obsession with the easel and colored (and watched Toy Story ) while waiting for Daddy to get home from work. Hooray for panties! ...it got cold and windy again, but we played outside anyways. Isaac played catch with the neighbor boys, while JJ flew the kite and Char strutted her stuff. ...the girls danced around the living room. There is an iTunes Radio station called 'Frozen Radio' that the girls are crazy about. They play random Disney songs, and we listen to it all.the.time. (After watching this a few times, I realized that Char was trying to sing "friend in" as in "You've Got a Friend In Me".) ...Grace put Charley to bed by tickling her face. ...the girls got cake pops. Yep, for breakfast. ...we got to school a few minute...
This past weekend, we had a baby shower at our house for one of the best couples ever. Kasie and Jeremy are expecting a little boy in just ten weeks! We are so excited for them (and of course for us, because who doesn't love babies?!) . Jeremy's mom and dad flew in along with his brother and his family, and Kasie's parents went all out throwing the perfect shower for them. Since Kasie loves elephants, we decided to go with a baby animal/jungle sort of theme. Linda, Bethany, and I spent a lot of time going back and forth and trying to get everything together. It turned out to be so awesome and really special because almost everything was handmade. Kasie's mom made the cutest giraffe, and her dad made an awesome palm tree out of pineapples. They also put together some vine to string across the living room, and everyone brought little baby items to hang on it. We came up with some fun games like What Baby Item Starts with... and Match the ...
I'm not quite sure how it happened, but Brother is already five months old. He loves to smile and squeal and babble and chew on his toes. I say it every month, but he really is the happiest little guy. He gives everybody the biggest grin whenever he makes eye contact, and it melts everyone to pieces. He's always smiling at Mom, Dad, and Sisters and then turning away and burying his head in his blanket. I read somewhere that babies do this because they are so overcome with emotion that they just can't take it and have to look away. It's the sweetest thing ever, and he's smothered in kisses after every grin. At five months old, Baby Isaac (yes, we've finally started calling him that on occasion) is going by Bro Bro for the most part. He's sometimes called Brother, Brother Bear, Bubba, Boog, Boo Boo - all the 'B' names. He is currently weighing in at sixteen pounds, which puts him in the race for the biggest baby. Grace still ...