Nashville - Day One

The night before we headed to Nashville, I was pretty nervous because I didn't know how Grace would do.

When we took her to Newport, she kind of freaked out the first night since she was sleeping in a strange bed in a strange place.

I had these scary images in my head of her screaming on the airplane the WHOLE way there or me getting stuck in the hotel with her the entire trip because she was too uncomfortable.

I'm so relieved and excited to say that little miss Grace travels very well.

The flight attendants couldn't say enough about how Grace was the best baby they'd ever seen on a plane.

She spent most of the waving at clouds and didn't cry at all.

I was very proud of her.

When we got to the hotel, she didn't mind being away from home.

She took over and acted like she owned the place:

(What a doll baby!)

After we were all settled into our rooms, we decided we should take a walk through Nashville and find somewhere to eat for dinner.

The Walker's suggested a place called Wildhorse Saloon.

It was beyond amazing

Three stories of restaurant, dance floor, and bars that had the same feel to it as Toby Keith's Bar in the Harrahs (our pre-Grace stomping grounds).

They had delicious food (best fried pickles I've ever had) and GIANT strawberry margaritas:


Isaac took Grace out on the dance floor and she had a blast running all over it:

Once the place got packed, they had line dancing lessons which Grace totally loved to watch:

After dinner, we walked around a bit to check out the town.

There was such beautiful architecture and greenery. 

You'd turn the corner and see something like this:

It was so refreshing.

Since Nashville has been around a lot longer than Vegas, it has a much older feel to it and people aren't in such a hurry to get where they are going.

I knew I was in heaven when we came across this not too far from our hotel:

Seeing the Titans' stadium realllly made me miss football season (let's get it together, boys).

While I was busy staring at the stadium in awe, everyone else was checking out these creatures hanging out on the side of the Cumberland River.

I'm not sure what they were...maybe muskrats?:

There was a gorgeous bridge to the right:

There were blue birds and cardinals to the left:

How have I never been here before?

We headed back to the hotel, gave Grace a bath, and went to bed to get ready for our wild week ahead:

We've had an amazing trip so far, and this was only day one!

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